Dali | Yunnan | China

Lijiang | Yunnan | China

Tiger Leaping Gorge | Yunnan | China

Mianyang | Sichuan | China

Lijiang | Yunnan | China

The ancient old town of Lijang has been build on an altitude of around 3000 metres above sea level. It has been destroyed by an earthquake years ago but has been rebuild and is now one of China’s most booming tourist destinations. It’s labyrinth style ancient old town is huge and it is easy to get lost in between all the little alleys leading trough Dayan old town. Nights are bright and full of people enjoying the beautiful views and colorful alleys while sitting next to one of the streams flowing crystal clear water full of goldfish. All the little bridges deliver the feeling an ancient chinese version of venice. The ancient old town of Dayan in Lijiang is located right next the the New Town. Lijiang Dayan old town does offer you amazing views over its ancient chinese roofs and rooftops – especially at night. With a little bit of luck and the right perspective you will enjoy Yu Long Xue Shan, the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and its glaciers right above. The summit of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is 5596 metres above sea level while the old town old Lijiang is located at around 2400 metres above sea level. The ancient old town of Lijiang and Dayan is an Unesco World Heritage Site.

It is a crowded place but still way worth to see and defintily not boring. There are a whole lot of bars, clubs, restaurants and cafes as well as hotels, guesthouses, hostels and further accommodation possibilites around the area. Same as other places in Yunnan province Lijiang area does have lot to offer. There are several unique natural sights to be seen closeby. You can also rent a bike and cylce around town. It is a big city and a big area to explore. There is an airport nearby which has great flight connections to all over China. A bunch of five star and luxury hotels can be found in Dayan and Shuhe, Lijiang. The Yulong Snow Mountains gives Lijiang its whole charme. Its natural beauty has been attractive to people since the Naxi people have first settled in the area hundreds of years ago. The old town (gu cheng) of Lijiang has a history going back more than 1000 years with a lot of cultural and historical heritage. It is located along the Old Tea Horse Caravan Trail coming from Tibet and Sichuan. Walk up the Wan Gu Lou to enjoy some spectacular views at night and choose a blue sky day to visit the Black Dragon Pool Lagoon Park.

The weather in Lijiang is dry and cold in winter but warm but a rainy in summers. The area can be visited all year around. There is great infrastructure and several great ways to tour and travel the area. The traditional old town of Lijiang can be visited all year around. There are a bunch of interesting places to visit in and around the area of Lijiang. Dali is located about 2 hours south of Lijiang right at the Er Hai Lake. Tiger Leaping Gorge is another major attraction to visit less than 2 hours north of Lijiang. There are great trekking possibilities as well as many guesthouses on the way. Shaxi is another option of a traditional old town in China. It is way more quiet and off the path as Lijiang. Lijiang itself is the perfect example for the modern China with its amazing infrastructure and booming shopping and business models. Foreigners as well as chinese tourists do come here to find the China of their dreams.

Stepping of the main tourist and vacation path you can have an awesome time here with great people enjoying the high altitude air and sun as well as vibes. The locals are friendly and it is worth to give the local markets a try. Most importantly you will have to take a ride and head out to the traditional ancient town of Shuhe and ancient town of Baisha which has been the heart of Lijiang in its historical beginnings. Kunming is easy to reach from here best via airport. There is also a train and bus. You can book your trip or complete tour at one of the countless travel agents around the old town or at the bus or train stations right away. Lijiang is perfect for tourists. Many tourist attractions and sight seeing possibilites will easily steal a couple of days of your time in case you are planning to visit Li jiang in Yunnan province, China. Traditional Nakhi Tribe Music all over the old town and there are countless shops offering you handmade souvenirs, food, snacks and countless other things. Another famous and stunning place is Lugu Hu or Lugu Lake a couple of hours away from Lijiang.

Dali | China

Shuanglang | Dali

Shuanglang | COMING SOON


Bangkok | Thailand

 Bangkok | COMING SOON


Portugal | Algarve

Marokko | Africa

Chengdu | China

Chengdu | China | COMING SOON

Guangzhou | China

Guangzhou | COMING SOON

Beijing | China


Hainan | China





Manila | Philippines

Philippines | COMING SOON



Mallorca | Spain



New York






Bali | Indonesia

Bali | Indonesia | COMING SOON

Beichuan | Earthquake

Tiger Leaping Gorge

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