Body Language against International Barriers

Since the times of Babylon, language barriers are present to us. Especially when being on the road, traveling, exploring new places off the tourist path you will easily get into the situation of not being able to communicate using your nature tongue. Obviously it is worth to carry a dictionary but still you will get into situations where you won’t be able to make use of your dictionary. It all comes down to one thing. The human body language. Most importantly don’t hesitate to use your mimic, hands and fingers and don’t forget you still got a voice. Communicating with people with other languages let’s you connect in a different way. The key and therefore the very most important fact which shall never be missed is to come up with a smile and say hello where ever you are.

Please scroll down too see more interesting information related to your vacation and travels.

Shuanglang | Dali

Shuanglang | Sky Sea

Bangkok | Thailand

Bangkok | Rembrandt Hotel

Portugal | Algarve

Albufeira | Oura

Marokko | Africa

Marokko | Aït Ben Haddou

Chengdu | China

Guangzhou | China

Shanghai | China

Beijing | China

Hainan | China



Manila | Philipines


Mallorca | Spain


New York



Bali | Indonesia

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